Massage championships are primarily competitions, BUT it is also an opportunity to expand your knowledge, meet new people, and become inspired within your practice.

Championships take place ALL over the world. Including the American Massage Championship (in North Carolina) and the International Massage Championship (in Copenhagen, Denmark). 

Learn more at… World Massage Festival 
Judges will evaluate participants in the following areas:
  • Techniques
  • Ergonomics
  • Flow 
  • Innovation and Development of new methods
  • Client contact
  • Recipient feedback

Duration of finals : 65 mins
Massage recipients are able to hand out up to 6 points (depending on their experience of the massage).
Head judges are able to hand out 3 points each to only ONE finalist.
The Winner will be the Massage Therapist who has the most points, and he/she is appointed as Overall State Champion in Massage 2025.

ALL decisions regarding the competition are made collectively within the group of judges to ensure competition results are fair as possible

Participants should NOT expect feedback + score results for the judges. Neither during or after competition

The SDMTC follows IMA rules
Participants can choose to compete in 1-2 of the categories offered.

Disclaimer: Categories may be dropped or added to event based on the number of participants

Official 2025 Categories:
  1. Freestyle Western
    • Techniques that are derived from Western massage styles such as Swedish massage, Myofacial release, Muscle energy techniques, Sports massage, California massage and other Western techniques. 
      • Use of tools is allowed (recommended for maximum 50%) 
      • Stretching is allowed 
      • Mobilization of joint is allowed 
      • The use of oil is allowed 
      • It is performed on a mattress or on a massage table
  2. Freestyle Eastern
    • Techniques that are derived from Eastern massage styles such as Shiatsu, Thai massage, Tui na, Acupressure and Reflexology as well other Asian techniques. 
      • Use of tools is allowed (recommended for maximum 50%) 
      • Stretching is allowed 
      • Mobilization of joint is allowed 
      • The use of oil is allowed 
      • It is performed on a mattress or on a massage table 

Must have either South Dakota, Iowa, or Nebraska current massage license.
  1.  Each Massage Therapist can participate in 1 or 2 categories
  2.  Non-English speaking participants can bring their own translator for briefing speeches and general communication.
  3.  Dress Code: Participants are allowed to wear personal sponsorship clothing or any other National suit that fits the category. Participants must wear sports shoes, sports pants or yoga pants, T-shirts etc.. Shoes are not allowed in Thai Yoga Massage.
  4.  Participants are to bring their own sheets, towels, tools, etc.. massage creams and oils also sponsored to the South Dakota Massage Therapy Championships 2024. The participants are not obliged to use these products, but South Dakota Massage Therapy Championships can highly recommend the use of these during the Championship
  5.  The recipient of the massage must wear underwear at all times and have covered their chest (if she is a woman). Any area which is not being worked on must be covered/draped.
  6.  No cameras are allowed during the rounds and the final. Unauthorized use of cameras and recordings can result in expulsion.
  7.  Insurance – It is your own insurance that covers both you and the participant you treat during the competition.
  8.  There is an absolute zero tolerance policy concerning inappropriate behavior. Any massage of sensual/sexual nature would result in immediate disqualification and expulsion from the Championship.
  9.  All participants are required to receive a massage, as well as giving massages. If necessary the SDMTC will arrange for suitable candidates/massage recipients in particular cases.
  10.  No chiropractic and osteopathic manipulations are allowed during the competition.
  11.  The South Dakota Massage Therapy Championships decide which music will be played during the SD Championship in Massage. 

The SDMTC follows IMA rules.
Interested in being a judge?
  1. Send us a Facebook message that you are interested
  2. Review the IMA points system at
  3. Watch the 1st online judge lesson from IMA at
  4. Be present for the 2025 championship
We prefer that judges have 10+ years of experience in massage therapy.

2025 judging is still opened.
2025 registration is NOT yet opened

Registration will begin in the Fall of 2024
Preferred method- send check to Siouxland Massage Championship
4309 S Louise Ave Ste 201
Sioux Falls, SD 57106

Online method- Venmo @sdmtc